RBS Entrepreneurial Hub Launch
Lobster Pod Sea-E-O and Founder, Errin Todd, was asked to speak at the launch of the new Entrepreneurial Hub at RBS Headquarters in Gogarburn, Edinburgh.
Funded by RBS the Entrepreneurial Hub at Gogarburn will be on the site of the old Executive Wing (and one time office of Fred Goodwin).
The Hub will bring together a number of business start-up support organisations under one roof to facilitate better collaboration and communication to further enable Scotland’s SME businesses. Entrepreneurial Spark, Business Gateway, Scottish EDGE, Entrepreneurial Scotland, Napier University and Princes Trust Scotland are among the organisations set to move into the Hub planned for an August 2015 opening.
The speakers included First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Ross McEwan (CEO of RBS), Gordon Merrylees (RBS Head of Entrepreneurship), Dr Ann Gloag OBE (Founder of Stagecoach, Philanthropist, Edinburgh E-Spark entrepreneur in residence and mentor to Lobster Pod) and Lord Willie Haughey (City Refrigeration and Glasgow E-Spark entrepreneur in residence).
Lobster Pod has benefited from the support, encouragement and collaboration with many of these organisations and as a E-Spark alumni, Business Gateway Fife client, RBS customer and Scottish EDGE winner was chosen to speak at the event to represent SME’s and high-growth entrepreneurs.
The day started with breakfast in the board room with the speakers and other invited entrepreneurs including Mandy Bailey of Plant and Grow, Scott McFarlane of Transworld Soccer and Lynn Mann of Supernature Oils. RBS staff and the Scottish media attended the launch. Errin’s talk was well received and the day she was in the front row with these successful, powerful and inspirational people is a memory she will treasure forever. The top tip of the day from Dr Ann Gloag was, “Just get on and do it!â€
Read More: www.thecourier.co.uk